Posts Tagged rant

Legacy (aka Manifesto)

Legacy (AKA Manifesto)

When the tides have changed and the storm has passed,

when the sand dunes have all moved by,

when the millennials rise and boomers die and all has gone awry,

when I am burned and hands have cast my ashes out to sea,

you may in just one random thought think what’s become of me?

My words have weathered countless wars down to one certainty—

That we are all just fallible beings worthy of clemency.

The voiceless ones will find the words to inform the greatest change;

Those of us we thought were lost will no longer be estranged;

My young ones will be a legion strong though now they’re unaware,

they’ll tear down all these harmful ones, at least all those who dare,

to try to snuff the magic out of everyone of you,

that has yet to see the beauty there that spark that remains so true.

BEHOLD the lost, unchosen ones, I’ve chosen each of you,

to help us to be better than, as only you can do!

The marginalized uplifted, and educated too,

To make a better world emerge—to create the world a new.

I commit to this now and ever more to make this vision true,

by reignite hope in this ribcage by sparking in you.

written by Scribblez84

December 18, 2018

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“not really black”

What truly makes a black man?

I was born from young love

Two brilliant souls too new to realize what it takes to sustain something as bold and boastful as this

I was born of love

And my little soul sparked its light and was planted deep into the soil to grow

Dark and beautiful

Rich with struggle and life and hope

I began to shine with time and step with my little feet into a world far to harsh for me to understand…at the time

But I did stand

And I watched, and I learned and I grew strong

And I embraced the place that I had come from

The generations of determined souls claiming their place in the universe

All by their will alone

And I am just like them

My deep mahogany skin is my birthright

My locks–my crown

I am just as worthy as the rest

But all too often I hear words that only cause me to question your perspective

“You speak so well..,”

“..,your not like the rest…”

“your not really black!”

and these words…these uninspired words inspire the better parts of me to remain benign

as a silent rage brews in the depths of belly

daring to climb up my spine

and leap from my mouth into the ether

to educate you

I am a black man

Born and bred in America

The color of my complexion is but one part of me

But my spirit…my soul has traveled its meandering route to this place

Stolen and sold from Africa, bound and gaged

Suffered the sea

Transplanted and chained to the will of fools

Determined to own me

The blood of my people made this place

This land is just as much my birthright as any other

And your perception of what makes me, is irrelevant

I know who I am….

if you cannot see that its because your cannot see me

can you?

Does it surprise you that a black man can immerse him self in books? That the written word would inspire him so?

Does it surprise you that I speak with no slang, that I don’t expect anything for free, that I rely on me?

Does it surprise you that I don’t dress like a thug? That I do not idolize hip hop culture or embrace the idea of being the biggest cock on the block?

If so why?

My family toiled the earth then migrated to the west to start something new

My father collected the skills of those with the collar blue

So his son can have a platform to

Embrace a life of academia and hold onto the hope that we can be more than just property

That we can do more than just survive…that we can flourish!

But these prescribed labels of what is black and what is not still affect me

It disturbs me that your definition of what and who I am is based on stereotypes and mass media

That you can’t see that I am more than what you expect

When you say…im not really black….

have you ever considered…

That you have absolutely NO FUCKING IDEA

What truly makes a black man?!

Written by scribblez84

November 4, 2014


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